Spiritual Self-Care

Once a month email from expandingmindsandhearts.com

Life can become busy, and we often forget to take care of ourselves as we focus on meeting our daily demands.

I recall listening to a speaker who shared the idea that we "rise to the occasion." This notion suggests that when we face a challenge, we draw on internal resources to overcome it. It's a beautiful thought, and to some extent, we do have untapped inner resources we can access when needed.

However, the speaker went on to say that’s not how it actually works. In stressful situations, we don't "rise to the occasion," but we "fall to the level of our training."

Whether it's running a marathon or dealing with the loss of a loved one, our habits form the foundation for how we handle challenges. In her book, The Invitation, author Oriah suggests that spiritual practices like meditation should become a daily routine, not just in times of need. By doing so, we build up our spiritual resources in the good times, making it easier to cope with challenging situations when they arise.

So here's your invitation!

Take an assessment of your spiritual habits and how they are supporting you!

I created a worksheet to help you create a weekly spiritual self-care plan that will support your well-being in all areas of your life. You can download it below.

So much love to you ❤️

Get the free Spiritual Self-Care Planning Guide

PS - Interested in more information about Spiritual Habits? Check out this talk I recorded a couple of months ago on YouTube!

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Expanding Minds + Hearts

The Expanding Minds + Hearts newsletter is a monthly email with timely spiritual lessons, musings, food for thought, and upcoming classes by Amanda Sue. Sign up below to receive one email a month!

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